Econometrics by Example
Gujrati, Damodar
Econometrics by Example / by Damodar Gujrati - 2nd. - New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. - 466p.
Th e primary objective of this second edition of Econometrics by Example, as in the
fi rst edition, is to introduce the fundamentals of econometrics without complicated
mathematics and statistics. Th e emphasis throughout the book is on explaining
basic econometric theory with several worked examples using data from a variety
of fi elds. Th e intended audience is undergraduate students in economics, business,
marketing, fi nance, operations research and related disciplines. It is also intended
for students in MBA programs and for researchers in business, government and
research organizations.
330.015195 GUJ
Econometrics by Example / by Damodar Gujrati - 2nd. - New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. - 466p.
Th e primary objective of this second edition of Econometrics by Example, as in the
fi rst edition, is to introduce the fundamentals of econometrics without complicated
mathematics and statistics. Th e emphasis throughout the book is on explaining
basic econometric theory with several worked examples using data from a variety
of fi elds. Th e intended audience is undergraduate students in economics, business,
marketing, fi nance, operations research and related disciplines. It is also intended
for students in MBA programs and for researchers in business, government and
research organizations.
330.015195 GUJ